Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Raising Great Kids Parenting Conference

The Raising Great Kids Parenting Conference last weekend was fantastic. Here is the audio from the weekend.

Main Session 1 - Children are a Blessing...No Really, They Are! (Justin Nale)
Main Session 2 - Scolding, Spanking, Time Out: What the Bible Says about Disciplining our Children (Dan Rolfe)
Main Session 3 - It Takes a Church: The Local Church's Role in a Child's Life (Jonathan Brooks)

Breakout 1 - Public School vs. Home School vs. Private School: Sorting Through the Options (Dan Rolfe)
Breakout 2 - The Adoption Option (Jim Upchurch)
Breakout 3 - The Why and How of Family Worship (Eddie Burroughs)


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    links broken. please fix! thx.

  2. Do you still have the links to the audio for this conference? Would love to listen to it.
