Thursday, April 02, 2009

1 Hour Preaching Like 8 Hours with a Jackhammer

CJ Mahaney is now going to interview some "ordinary" pastors. Looking forward to this!

And, his jackhammer analogy is funny because its true. No wonder I'm so sore on Sunday afternoon.


  1. Now I understand why my pastor works from home most of the week after preaching for almost 5 hours every Sunday. That's a full-time job just on Sunday...not counting meetings and preparation.

  2. i've done quite a bit of both, and the jackhammering is still worse, much worse, not even a contest lol

  3. Thank you for sharing this! I am looking forward to read more about "ordinary" pastors. I wonder what they normal do too. This will be very interesting blog to read.

    We all should be thankful for wonderful ordinary pastor who shepherding and feeding us His Word. Also we should continue to pray for our ordinary pastor too.

    To me, you are a very special pastor, and I am so thankful for you and your love to preach the Word.

    Thank you!
    Hungry to eat His Word!
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion
