Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Restoring Savior

John 21 is a rich and encouraging chapter. After the disciples (and especially Peter) fall away and desert Jesus, Jesus comes to them and restores them to the ministry He had called them to 3 years earlier. He restores them by revealing Himself to them.

Here is how Jesus reveals Himself:
1. as the Sovereign Lord (the miraculous catch of fish).
2. as the means to fruitfulness ("apart from me, you can do nothing").
3. as the intimate companion ("Come and eat with me").
4. as the object of Peter's love ("Do you love me?").
5. as the One who protects His own (Jesus' relentless passion to obey the Fater by guarding those entrusted to Him).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for preaching this wonderful sermon and explaining to us.

    I always look forward to read your wonderful blog!

    This is a lot better than my note taking during the sermon time.

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion
