Sunday, May 03, 2009

Following Jesus to the End

John ends his Gospel about the glory of Jesus with a call to follow Jesus. I brought out 4 aspects of following Jesus from John 21:15-25 Sunday:

1. Following Jesus involves committment to His people ("Feed my sheep").
2. Following Jesus is costly (Jesus tells Peter it will cost him his life).
3. Following Jesus frees us from comparison ("What is that to you? You follow me").
4. Following Jesus is more than worth it (The greatness of Jesus -v.25).

Verse 25 is John's way of saying, "We haven't even scratched the surface of the greatness of this Savior. He is deeper and wider and longer and greater than I can write."

He is limitless.
He is vast.
He is unending.
He is inexhaustible.
He is incomprehensible.
He is boundless.
He is immeasurable.
He is infinite.
He is incalculable.
He is unfathomable.
He is uncontainable.
He is worth following...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this with us this morning. I have learn so much from you! I am also looking forward for next Sunday sermon.

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion
