Friday, June 12, 2009

Breaking News: Money CAN Buy Happiness

Whoever said that money can't buy happiness? You CAN use money to increase your happiness: give it away.

Jesus said, "it is better to give than to receive." Why is it better? Because God loves a cheerful giver. Because giving frees us from the grip of our stuff. Because giving stores up treasure in Heaven. Because giving is a practical expression of love for others.

Hudson Taylor said, "The less I spent on myself and the more I gave to others, the fuller of happiness and blessing did my soul become."

Here is a "secular" article I stumbled across that reminded me of this truth. I couldn't believe I was reading a "worldly" article about how, "one of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make someone else happy."

Warning: true happiness is only possible in Jesus Christ. If you give away everything you have and don't trust in Christ, you will be eternally unhappy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Yes, God loves a Cheerful Giver! For more ideas on cheerful giving, you may want to visit
