Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Most Controversial Passage in the Bible

I can't think of a more controversial passage in the entire Bible than Daniel 9:24-27, the prophecy of the seventy weeks.

It was a joy to study and preach this passage this week. I grew to love this passage because of how clearly it points to the person and work of my Savior, Jesus Christ. In the middle of all the controversy, underneath the difficulties, Jesus shines like a beacon on a foggy, dark night.

I read about 30 different sources on this passage and didn't find any two that completely agree on every detail of this passage. In fact, there is not a single phrase in Daniel 9:24-27 that is universally agreed upon. This is no exaggeration. I think I could give you a differing interpretation on every phrase of this passage.

In my view, God is responding to Daniel's prayer in 9:1-19 by giving an immediate and an ultimate answer. The immediate answer is that Jerusalem will be restored (which is what Daniel pleads with God to do based on Jeremiah's prophecy). The ultimate answer is that God will send a Savior to redeem His people from their sin and reconcile them to Himself. God will inaugurate the promised New Covenant through the cutting off of the Messiah.

Jesus (9:24):
-finished transgression in His death.
-put an end to sin by His blood.
-atoned for the iniquity of His people.
-brought in everlasting righteousness in obedience to His Father.
-sealed vision and prophet by being the fulfillment of all God's promises.
-was anointed as the true temple, the most holy One.

What a Savior!

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