Tuesday, August 04, 2009

10 Things I'd Like to do in the next 10 years

My friend Justin Nale asked if there was anything I'd like to do in this life. I have found that if I don't put some sort of time frame on it, I won't be very serious about it. So, in order to challenge myself to actually do some great things (with the help of the Spirit of God) here is something of what I would like to do in the next 10 years (in no particular order):

1. Preach through the book of Romans (Its not going to take me 10 years to preach through Romans; I just would like to preach through it sometime in the next 10 years).
2. Pay off my house.
3. Visit Israel (this may have to wait 'till the kids are out of the house).
4. Adopt a child.
5. Lead my church to plant another church.
6. See my kids trust in Christ.
7. Read 500 books (about 50 books a year).
8. Beat my dad at golf.
9. Write a book.
10. Get certified as a Biblical counselor.

Would love to hear what goals/desires you have.


  1. I hadn't had a chance to do this! I will do mine.

    1)What a great goal for Romans. I was wondering when you will do that one.
    2)I agree with this one.
    3) I always want to visit Israel. You might not have to wait until the kids are out of the house. I can look after them.
    4)I too would love to adopt a child but when I am married. I know that a lot of single are doing that.
    5)I am looking forward to plant another church.
    6) Of course all of us want to see every kids to trust in Christ.
    7) You can do it. I haven't been able to read that fast.
    8)I had to laugh at this one. You can do it. But have fun too.
    9)I will have to read your book. You can do it.
    10) Wonderful goal and you can do it.

    I will continue to encourage you to be able to do all this within 10 years.

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion

  2. Good list brother. I pray/hope the Lord allows you to accomplish all these and more for His glory.

  3. Over the next ten years I plan to...
    1. listen to your sermons on Romans
    2. visit you at your paid off house
    3. go with you to Israel
    4. meet your adopted child
    5. get invited to preach at your church plant
    6. rejoice in your children's faith
    7. read your reviews of 500 books
    8. tell you it's OK when you fail to beat your dad at golf
    9. read your book - twice if it is endorsed by JI Packer
    10. take your counsel much more seriously after you get certified

  4. Dan, couldn't you at least bring some brownies or something when I pay off my house?

  5. Okay, I just did mine. I listed what 10 things that I did like to do this year, in the next 10 years and in my lifetime. http://boldlion.blogspot.com/2009/08/10-things-that-id-like-to-do-in-next-10.html

    Let us encourage one another with godly goal.

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion
