Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Santa Claus

Here are some articles against the practice of telling our kids that a jolly large guy in a red suit brings presents on Christmas depending on how good they've been:

1. Thinking about Santa by Noel Piper
2. No Santa for Us by me
3. Thoughts for Parents and Children Who Don't Do Santa by Thabiti (good!)
4. Down with Santa by Thabiti


  1. I wouldn't do any Santa! I would be more like Linus Van-Pelt to point to the true meaning of Christmas!

    If I do have any child(ren), Christmas will be all about Christ and why He came for us.

    It is very interesting to read about 17th century of no Christmas for 20 years. I would love to have more information. I found some, but I can't trust everything that I had found online. I can see what they were trying to do. We all need to separate from pagan "Christmas" to true meaning of Christmas.

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion

  2. I told my kids that Santa Claus is long dead and is now in heaven (along with our dead guinea pig "Spike" - I know, I know, but please don't crush my children's hopes of a guinea pig resurrection with theological arguments...)

    Anyway, that pretty much killed the whole "Here Comes Santa Claus" mindset. And as a bonus, I've also recently started telling them that I have the same job as the real Santa Claus did - a pastor.

    I'm not entirely sure how this all works out with other kids if mine share this information at school...
