Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Significance of the Ascension

Studying Acts 1:9-11 gave me an opportunity to think about the ascension of Jesus. The ascension of Jesus is rarely talked about today. But, it is full of significance. Here are 6 ways to see the importance of the ascension of Jesus.

1. The ascension is a necessary corollary to the resurrection. If someone denied the ascension, they would have to say that either Jesus is still on earth or that He died again at a later time. Belief in the resurrection necessitates belief in the ascension.

2. The ascension assured the disciples that the physical appearances were over. The ascension allowed the disciples to get busy with the work they had been called to do.

3. The ascension is a demonstration of God’s power. Think about it: the ascension of Jesus is just as miraculous as the resurrection.

4. The ascension is representative of Jesus’ exaltation to the right hand of God the Father. How did Jesus get to the place of power and authority? Answer: He ascended there. Now, Jesus intercedes for us continually before the Father. Jesus is our continual advocate. We know this because He ascended. Phil. 2:9: “God has highly exalted Him and given Him the name above every name.”

5. The ascension distinguishes the Son from the Spirit. The Son ascended and the Spirit was sent by the Son to continue His work. This is another pointer to the Trinitarian nature of God.

6. The ascension foreshadows Jesus return. Jesus will return in the same way He was taken up (Acts 1:11).

Thank God for the ascension of Jesus Christ. Because He is ascended, we know He is indeed the center of the universe. He can be trusted and His work continues.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for teaching us this! I am looking forward for Sunday and Wednesday night to learn more of His Word as you are preaching!

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion
