Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Knowability of God

At our God Revealed Conference Sunday night, I meditated on the fact that God has revealed Himself (Audio here). Here were my 5 sections in the message:

1. The Importance of Knowing God.
Jeremiah 9:23-24 says that nothing is more important to a human than knowing God. If we are going to boast, let it be in that we know God.

2. The Obstacle to Knowing God.
God is the main obstacle to knowing God. Because of His justice and wrath, sinners cannot know Him on their own.

3. The Gift of Knowing God.
Christ died and rose from the dead so that we can know God. In fact, Jesus said that the eternal life that He gives to His own is the gift of knowing God (John 17:2-3). The Son chooses who to reveal the Father to (Matt. 11:27).

4. The Means of Knowing God.
If we are going to know God, we must pursue knowledge of Him through the means he has revealed Himself to us. I highlighted 4 ways God has and continues to reveal Himself: (1) Creation, (2) The Bible, (3) Jesus, (4) suffering.

5. The Effect of Knowing God.
When we know God, it changes our lives.

1 comment:

  1. I have learned a lot! I am looking forward for tonight. I am so thankful for this wonderful conference!

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion
