Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The T4G Effect

One of the best aspects of the Together for the Gospel conference is all the free books they give away. Each session greets the attendees with a stack of books on their chair. So, in anticipation of T4G coming up in about a month, I'm not buying any books. 2 years ago, I already had most of the books they gave away, so I've been excercising self-control for the past few months.

For example, Piper has several new books out (like A Sweet and Bitter Providence). But, I don't have them yet. It is rare for me not to be first in line for a new Piper book.
I also really want this new book on church discipline: The Church and the Suprising Offense of God's Love. But, I don't have it yet.

Any of my readers going to T4G in April?


  1. Justin, since I enjoy your blog from time to time, I'll answer your question, (even though you did not answer me we when I asked if you were attending Advance 09 last year:-). Yes, I'm going to T4G and taking a couple of our men.

    Looking forward to the books, the Word and fellowship with people like yourself.


  2. Travis,
    Thanks for letting me know. I'd love to meet you at T4G.

    Please forgive me for not answering your Advance 09 question. It must have slipped past me.

  3. God-willing I'll be there brother. Would love to catch up.

  4. J Chil (as Presley would say), I'll be there with two of my student leaders who want to go into the ministry. We definitely need to get together!

  5. I would love to go to TFG, and free books would certainly be a plus. But alas I am deployed to the desert now so will not be able to make it.

  6. I wish it were not so, but we've spent a little too much on our conference budget last year, so I can't make T4G this time around. I'll have to settle for the local "God Revealed" conference for now...

  7. If the Lord wills, I am going! I'm a stoked! This is number three for me, and I'm as excited as ever. I'm very thankful that they worked it out so Mahaney and Chandler can both speak.

  8. I'll be there for Tuesday/Wednesday. Hope to see you!
    Jeff Brewer

  9. I am sure that you all will have a wonderful time there. Justin, I am glad that you are getting free books there. Bring us a lot of wonderful news what you all had learned at the T4G. I will be praying too.

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion

  10. Will there be free books at the God Revealed conference?

  11. Yes, we will be giving away a free book at GRC. But not on Sunday night. It'll be a surprise which night.

  12. Ok, so I think the cat's out of the bag. It's Tuesday night. :)
