Wednesday, April 14, 2010

T4G Day 2 part 1 Recap

Sang a great Newton song that I had never heard this morning about suffering.

Thabiti ripped it up. "Redeeming the culture" leads to adjusting the gospel. Pastors are not called to engage the culture. I'm looking forward to a response from Keller and others.

MacArthur preached from Mark 4 about the fact that we don't produce results. God saves people, not us. Therefore, we sow and sleep. God causes the growth.

Love hanging out with Jonathan and Rob. These are great brother pastors.

Went to David Platt's breakout session. Paul said, "keep your eyes on those who walk according to the gospel." This is a brother I've got my eye on. He has a wonderful command of the Scripture. Affected deeply by the gospel and the implications of the gospel to missions. Powerful talk.

Piper tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Platts message was awesome... do you know if it's online anywhere for to hear again with my wife?
