Tuesday, April 06, 2010

T4G Schedule

If you are going to T4G, which scheduled talk are you most excited about? If you are not going, which would you be most excited about?

Tuesday, April 13
Session 1: Mark Dever — The Church is the Gospel Made Visible

Session 2: R C Sproul — The Defense and Confirmation of the Gospel — What I Have Learned in 50 years

Session 3: Al Mohler — How Does it Happen? Trajectories Toward an Adjusted Gospel

Wednesday, April 14
Session 4: Thabiti Anyabwile — ‘Fine-Sounding Arguments’ — How Wrongly ‘Engaging the Culture’ Adjusts the Gospel

Session 5: John MacArthur — The Theology of Sleep! (Mark 4)

Session 6: John Piper — Did Jesus Preach the Gospel of Evangelicalism?

Thursday, April 15
Session 7: Ligon Duncan — Did the Fathers Know the Gospel?

CJ Mahaney with Matt Chandler

Session 8: CJ Mahaney — Expository Faithfulness (II Timothy 4:1-5)


  1. I'm going. And I'm really looking forward to all of them, of course. But I'm really interested in Dever's on the church and Anyabwile's wrong ways to engage the culture.

  2. I'm most excited about Thabiti's and I'll probably sleep through MacArthur's just for the irony of it.

  3. funny stuff Mike, funny stuff. They should have scheduled j-mac for like 6am.

  4. I'm not going this year -- but would love to hear CJ and Matt Chandler. I believe it has the potential of being the most powerful moment of the conference.
