Sunday, May 16, 2010

Philippians Overview Sermon

I enjoy doing overview sermons at the end of the series instead of at the beginning. In my Philippians overview sermon, I simply meditated on the sufficiency of Christ. Paul's great example is that Jesus is enough.
  • Because Jesus is enough, we can rejoice even when we suffer.
  • Because Jesus is enough, we can look forward to death.
  • Because Jesus is enough, we can humbly love one another.
  • Because Jesus is enough, we can be content in any circumstance.
  • Because Jesus is enough, we can be counted righteous by God.

Hallelujah, All I Have is Christ. Hallelujah, Jesus is My Life.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for preaching His Word this morning! I am so thankful for Christ for you, Justin!

    The Lord is so good! I am looking forward to learn more through your sermon with Christ help.

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion
