Friday, June 04, 2010

A Tour of the Office/Study (in pictures)

I've been wanting to give you a tour of my study for a few years now. For the 2 of you who care, here you go:

This is what you will see when you walk in the door. I've got a great window that allows plenty of sunlight and access to all sorts of birds and creatures that don't know I'm watching them.

I always put the commentaries of the book I'm preaching through right on my desk for easy access. We are doing a summer series through Psalms right now.

I've turned my closet into a prayer closet. This is a custom prayer bench I had made about 5 years ago. I have a copy of our church prayer directory there and try to pray through it twice a month.

I have my books arranged in categories. The left shelf is biographies, preaching, bible study, theology, marriage, etc. The other left shelves are arranged alpha by author. The 2 right shelves are all my commentaries arranged by book of the Bible.

A closer view of one of the shelves. Works of Owen and Bunyan.

The commentary shelves are directly across from my desk.

These pictures are the most popular aspect of my office. They are clearly visible when you walk in and everyone wants to guess who they are. Top: Calvin and Luther. Bottom: Edwards and Tyndale.

The Piper shelf (that is no longer able to hold all my Piper books).

Books on the Cross, the church, and Piper overflow.

Our church covenant signed by the first members of Christ Baptist.

And no office is complete without a "snack drawer." This is my kids' favorite part of my office.

So, what do you think? What am I missing?


  1. Thank you for sharing! That looks like a great setup and relaxing place to prepare for the preaching of the Word!

  2. Looks good...I'm guessing 850-1000 volumes?

    Only thing "missing?" Family pics.

  3. lol why are there cd's in your snack drawer?

  4. Love the look of your office! Thank you for sharing this with us even though I had been in there and help you to move from the old office to the new office.

    I love the way you have your books in order including on your desk too.

    I don't see any chocolate in that snacks drawer. That is one thing is a must to have. Especially Dark Chocolate. MMMMM!!!

    How about a picture of you at your desk while working and the view to outside of your window to see what kind of tree(s) and birds are out there.

    I love your prayer closet too! I didn't know that you had built that custom prayer bench! Great job! You should tell them how you made them and the size of them too in case they too want to build one for themselves.

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion

  5. I'm diggin' the office, bro. Nice and tidy. I love you the sun flower seeds. I can see you reading and spitting in a little cup ;)

  6. your sister5:47 PM

    Your missing a picture of your sister! What else could u need?

  7. Anonymous3:58 PM

    There is a pic of Justin & his wife under the John Owen collection...

    Nice office. I also keep my currently used commentaries on the desk.

    Missing... possibly some music.

  8. Great comments.

    Rob, you can't see them in these pics but I have several pictures of the kids scattered throughout.
    Although, I do need some updated ones. Thanks for the reminder.

  9. Three things
    1. Wow that's a lot of books!
    2. I agree-no office is complete without a snack drawer :-)
    3. Is your desk always that clean?

    Looks like a great place to work!

  10. Nice tour.

    However, upon closer review it becomes obvious that you are cheating with the "Piper" shelf.

    I can see two copies of several Piper books...

  11. That is an awesome collection. I'm assuming you arrange your commentaries by book? (That's what it seemed, seeing so many volumes from complete sets scattered across the shelves like that.) Very nice, truly worthy of the word "study".

    God richly bless you.
