Monday, November 15, 2010

Nothing Lacking in Jesus

“As a Savior he is perfect. Being made perfect through suffering, he is able fully to discharge his office. Nothing is wanting in the character and person of Christ in order to his being able to save to the uttermost. He is a Savior, and a great one. You are wholly lost, but Jesus is perfectly able to save. You are sore sick, but Jesus is perfectly able to heal. You have gone, perhaps, to the extreme of sin; he has gone to the extreme of atonement. In every office essential to our salvation Jesus is perfect. Nothing is lacking in him in any one point.”

-CH Spurgeon

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this again! Great reminder for us, sinner to read this!

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion
