Monday, December 20, 2010

Top 15 Books of 2010

Here is how I would rank the top 15 books published in 2010 (that I read). It was very difficult to put the top 3 in order. They are really 1A, 1B, and 1C. While I put For the Fame of God's Name first (because of the incredible wealth of helpful stuff in it), I would actually recommend that you read #2 and #3 first.

2. Dug Down Deep by Josh Harris
3. Radical by David Platt
5. Think by John Piper
7. Rescuring Ambition by Dave Harvey
8. What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert
9. The Shepherd Leader by Timothy Witmer
10. Scandalous by DA Carson
11. It is Well by Dever and Lawrence
12. Marks of the Messenger by Mack Stiles
13. Church Planter by Darrin Patrick
14. Be Still, My Soul, edited by Guthrie
15. The Archer and the Arrow by Phillip Jensen

1 comment:

  1. Marks of the Messenger is the best book on Evangelism I have ever read.
