Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Thank God for Fighter Verses

Today Desiring God announced that the Fighter Verses have been revamped. I hope you will take the time to look at these resources and consider if you'll give the next 5 years to fighting the fight of faith through Scripture memory.

I first encountered the Fighter Verses in college and it was a gift of God to me in those days. I still remember opening the box that I had ordered from Desiring God with the little purple binder filled with note cards . The coolest thing about the fighter verse set was the little plastic sleeve that came with the set so that you could carry the cards around with you without messing them up. For several years of my life I was never without that sleeve.

I was so impacted by the Fighter Verses, that I began selling them as cheap as I could when I preached at various events. Back then, they were about $12 each. I would order 50 at a time and sell them as fast as I could. I probably distributed 500-600 of them in those days.

I cannot still quote all of the Fighter Verses. My memory is not as good as I once thought. However, the time I spent laboring over and reviewing those verses has shaped me. I thank God for the Fighter Verses.

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