I didn't realize this as it was happening, but after reflecting on the past week, I realized what God had done. I had the unique opportunity of preaching at my church last Sunday (Christ Baptist), the church that helped plant our church on Wednesday (Open Door Baptist), and the church that we helped plant today (Crossway).
Let me run that by you again: I preached at both our mother church and our daughter church in the same week.
I had the privilage of of standing before a church who had sacrificed to make Christ Baptist a reality and a church for whom Christ Baptist had sacrificed to make a reality.
God reminded me of both past faithfulness and present faithfulness. I was confronted this week with gratefulness for the past and sweet anticipation for the future.
It was a seriously great week.
So encouraged as I reflect on the same thought. Looking forward to serving at Crossway on Sunday and CBC in February! Privileged to be a part of what God is doing.