This is a wise and funny and convicting book that I would encourage anyone to read.
Stephen exposes our chronic lack of contentment and points us to the healing balm of the gospel. This is really a book about the sufficiency of Jesus. He is more than able to satisfy us.
Stephen defines contentment as "a disposition of the heart that freely and joyfully submits to God's will, whatever that will may be." He shows how discontentment reveals the idols we worship and the ungratefulness in our hearts.
I particularly appreciated Altrogge's emphasis on the fact that contentment is not dependent on our circumstances. Since contentment is found in a Person (Jesus), we can be content in any and every circumstance of life (Phil. 4:10-13).
While reading this book, I felt at times like Stephen was speaking directly to my heart. He challenged my tendency to grumble when things don't go my way. And time and time again he applied the gospel to my soul. Get this book. You need it.
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