Friday, October 14, 2011

The Power of Christ to Destroy Racism

Chapter 6 of Piper's new book, Bloodlines is a power-packed defense of how the gospel destroys the roots of racism. Piper gives 9 examples of how explosive the gospel can be in freeing us from the sins relating to racism. Here are my summaries of his 9 examples:

1. The gospel frees us from Satan's bondage.
2. The gospel frees us from our guilt.
3. The gospel shatters our pride.
4. The gospel gives us hope.
5. The gospel gives us a new identity.
6. The gospel frees us from the love of money (this section alone is worth the price of the book).
7. The gospel frees us to love.
8. The gospel removes our deepest fears.
9. The gospel gives us passion and zeal for good works.

You'll have to get the book to see how Piper fleshes these examples out. Excellent stuff.

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