Thursday, April 06, 2006

Combating the Calvinist Virus

A funny and clever post from a blog other than purgatorio. Beware: Only Calvinists will find this post to be funny.


  1. Anonymous5:40 PM

    That's funny- I may have a viral infection.

  2. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Well, I just realized I am in the "cage stage". Someone please lock me up for the good of the church. God has just hit me with a 2x4. I grew up arminian and knew of no other way so when I went through systematic theology it was like being hit by a lightening bolt. It was so revolutionary in my life. I want everyone to see it. I need to go back and ask forgiveness especially from my mother. Please pray for me. I want to be usable by God. I need to learn how to balance it. I so want to understand doctrine and be loving. I dont even know where to start.

  3. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Shannon, I have walked through this and am glad to pray for you.
