Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Gospel of....Judas?

As we get closer to the Davinci Code movie coming out in May, are we going to be seeing more things like this? If you are hiding any heretical gospels or harboring secret codes, this may be a good time to make some money off of them.


  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Forgive me (or laugh real hard) but could CNN and the plethora of blogging early twenty-something college and liberal seminary students who have had one too many glasses of DaVinci code please smoke lees crack so as to be able to distinguish between fiction and reality. I've read about 90 posts in the last month concerning the "uncertainty of the blah blah blah 'proto-orthodox' view of the Canon." Fiction, which the Davinci Code and CNN are full of, is not certain of anything. Reading the Bible is such and under used privilege and the people perish for lack of knowledge. I've no energy for what will come from the movie- Lord, help me, give me strength and mercy that I might extend the latter to others.

  2. I found this amusing:

    "Elaine Pagels, a professor of religion at Princeton University, said, "The people who loved, circulated and wrote down these gospels did not think they were heretics.""

    I assume she made this point to justify these new writings as being truth.

    Okay, but Joseph Smith and Muhammad did not think that they were heretics either!!!!! When was the last time you heard someone say "oh, by the way, don't listen to what I just said because I think I may be a heretic."

    Also- if Judas was given a "special status" why did he hang himself?

    It just gets crazier and crazier!!!
    Satan loves to do anything to drive people far from the truth, authority and efficiency of the bible!

  3. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Yes, the lady from Princeton said, "These writings are no more history than is the New Testament." She's always learning, but never coming to a knowledge of the truth.
