Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Success Syndrome

I just finished reading "Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome" by Kent and Barbara Huges. This is a fantastic little book. In fact, I think every pastor and future pastor should take a few hours to read through this book along with their wives. I know of no other book that combats the current numbers-driven success craze in the church in as clear and straightforward a manner as this book.

A Challenge: Buy a copy for yourself and a copy for every pastor at your church.


  1. It is a helpful book. I had to read it for one of my seminary classes.

  2. Hey Justin! I created a blog where I post prayer requests for the nations! I'd love for you to join in the prayer and any requests, comments, or encouragements you want to add! It's Or I guess you could just click the link for my name. Oh well! :) Be blessed
