Thursday, July 12, 2007

Its A Boy!

God has been kind to give Jeanna and I another child. On Tuesday, we found out that we will be having a boy in December. Here are a few of his first mug shots:

(His face)

(The lady said he was sticking his thumb up. Fearfully and wonderfully made!)

(Kicked back, Chilln')


  1. CONGRATS!!! Now the naming game begins. Of course I would suggest Calvin -- but you have alreay named your dog that. I don't think your son wants to be named after your dog!!
    In HIS Grace - alone!

  2. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Congratulations, Justin & Jeanna!

    And my brother's name is Calvin... :)

  3. he is BEAUTIFUL! or should i say handsome?? i was worried after checking your blog yesterday that you weren't even going to mention the sweet baby! Sam told me (in utero) that he can't wait to meet his new friend!! God is so good and faithful to bless us with children. i'm thrilled for you and jeanna. (and Karis too)

  4. Congratulations! God continues to bless your family with children. Your family will be in our prayers.
