Friday, July 13, 2007

Experiences Like This Are Rare Today

"A sense of my actual sins and natural deformity humbled me exceedingly; and then the freeness and riches of God's everlasting love broke in with such light and power upon my soul, that I was often awed into silence and could not speak.

I underwent inexpressible agonies of soul for two or three days, at the rememberance of my sins and the bitter consequences of them. All the while I was assured that God had forgiven me, but I could not forgive myself for sinning against so much light and love. I felt something of that which Peter felt when, with oaths and curses he had thrice denied his Master. At length my Lord looked upon me, and with that look broke my rocky heart, and I wept most bitterly...Were I always to see myself such a sinner as I am, and as I did then, without seeing the Savior of sinners, I should not be able to look up.

This latter part of the week, blessed be the Lord, He has restored me to the light of His countenance, and enabled me to prasie Him with joyful lips."

-George Whitefield, (Dallimore, p. 404).

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