Friday, July 13, 2007

When Sinners Say "I Do"

When Sinners Say "I Do" is a brand new book on marriage by Dave Harvey. I have been reading through it in the evenings this week and have found it to be gloriously gospel-centered and helpful (time will tell whether it makes a difference in my marriage or not).

Here are a few of my initial thoughts:

1. It is more than a book on marriage, it is a book about sin. Harvey gets to the heart of all "problems" in marriage: sin. Not my spouse's sin. My sin.

2. Don't you love the cover picture? Great.

3. How about the title? Fantastic!

4. The subtitle is even better: "Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage."

5. It is full of personal illustrations and helpful meditations.

6. I would consider this "must reading" for all Christian couples. Pastors, be ready to require this book for all couples you counsel.

7. Paul Tripp's recommendation says it all: "This is the best book on marriage I've ever read!"

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