Was it worth all the hype?
Do you use it regularly?
Do you carry it with you to church?
If so, have you noticed that your muscles are bigger?
Found any of the notes you don't agree with?
Which features have been most helpful?
Have you used the online version?
It is worth the hype!
I use it each day and cant wait for the new year to change to the new reading plan.
Dont bring it to church much, I preach from a smaller ESV.
Muscles seem to be shrinking!
I think some of the notes on 1Tim 2:4, 2Peter 3:9 were a little scant, but mostly I like all of them.
Love the maps, charts.
I use the online version a good bit!
It's good. I esp. like the articles.
One feature I'd like for the online version is the option for different reading plans.
I like it and use it nearly every day. Haven't experimented with the online version yet (though my dad has and he likes it).
I don't carry it to church, it stays on the bookshelf at home and I use a Classic Thinline Edition for teaching.
There have been a couple times when I felt the notes where a little light and vague, but overall I like them.
One thing I particularly like is that I feel comfortable with my wife using it for her studies when I'm not home, and knowing that she's getting good info from it.
yes, it's worth the hype.
i love this Bible though i've had to go back on my bold assertions that i would carry this everywhere.
i do think that they could have made a few editing choices that would have made this smaller and more accessible for people to carry.
Overall, I love it and believe it to be the best Study Bible available. The size is the biggest negative. But there is so much useful info.
I hope this becomes a very popular study Bible in America.
I love it. It stays on my desk at the office and is used everyday. I don't carry it around because it hurts my back because it's so heavy. Okay, actually, I don't carry it because I don't want to bend the corners (I know I'm weird). The online version is great. I'm glad I got this Bible and think it's worth everyone getting.
My pastor/husband gave me one as a gift and I absolutely love it. I teach women's studies and take a precept course so it is very helpful.
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