So, we are left with a question: When that check arrives in the mail box in a few months, what should we do with it?
One possibility is to stimulate the economy by filling your book shelves!
Think about it: When was the last time someone just handed you $600 with no strings attached? Unless you have a plan for that money, it will end up just getting spent at McDonalds, Starbucks, and The Gap. Don't let that happen.
I'm here to help. Below are several suggestions for building a good library on George W's tab.
A few disclaimers:
1. God may have other plans for this money. Each of us must determine the best use of it and obey God as we sense Him leading us. We will be held accountable for the resources entrusted to us.
2. Be sure to give a portion (or all) of this money to your local church as an offering to the Lord.
3. I am partly joking in this post. Please don't take me too seriously. I realize that not everyone is a book lover like I am. I just hope my thoughts encourage you to get a few books you've been wanting to get but couldn't quite afford right now.
The Basics (for those just starting a library):
A Gospel Primer for Christians by Milton Vincent (8.54)
Desiring God by John Piper (9.29)
The Holiness of God by RC Sproul (9.35)
Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan (9.45)
The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges (10.49)
Living the Cross Centered Life by CJ Mahaney (9.74)
Knowing God by JI Packer (10.56)
The Cross of Christ by John Stott (16.00)
In Christ Alone by Sinclair Ferguson (11.70)
The Great Exchange by Jerry Bridges (10.55)
One Thing by Sam Storms (12.00)
Bible Doctrine by Wayne Grudem (24.74)
Through Gates of Splendor by Elizabeth Elliot (9.74)
Let The Nations Be Glad by John Piper (9.29)
Chosen By God by RC Sproul (8.44)
Stop Dating The Church by Josh Harris (9.74)
The Enemy Within by Kris Lungaard (7.49)
What is a Healthy Church by Mark Dever (8.24)
A Method for Prayer by Matthew Henry (9.59)
Life in The Father's House by Wayne Mack (9.09)
The Pleasures of God by John Piper (9.74)
Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands by Paul Tripp (11.21)
Be Careful How You Listen by Jay Adams (10.71)
When Sinners Say "I Do" by Dave Harvey (10.46)
Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper (10.49)
Humility by CJ Mahaney (10.13)
The Autobiography of John G. Paton (15.44)
The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn (8.99)
A Call to Spiritual Reformation by DA Carson (12.34)
Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (10.04)
Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life by Donald Whitney (10.92)
God is the Gospel by John Piper (11.69)
The Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson (7.00)
TOTAL: $353.19
The Commentaries (for those wanting to have resources to study the Scriptures in depth):
See my post on Commentary recommendations and begin securing one good volume on each book.
The Veteran (for those who already have all the basics):
John Owen on The Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson (23.85)
Temptation and Sin (Vol. 6 of Owen's Works) by John Owen (16.80)
Communion With The Triune God by Owen, Kapic, Taylor (14.52)
Pierced for Our Transgressions (16.00)
An Old Testament Theology by Bruce Waltke (29.24)
The Apostles Doctrine of the Atonement by George Smeaton (16.90)
Message of the NT by Mark Dever (18.89)
Message of the OT by Mark Dever (25.19)
Institutes of the Christian Religion (2 Vols) by John Calvin (49.57)
The Works of Johnathan Edwards (2 Vols) (56.70)
The Works of John Bunyan (3 Vols) (64.35)
The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther (12.23)
The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification by Walter Marshall (16.89)
TOTAL: $361.13
So, feel free to offer your own suggestions for maximizing our "stimulate the economy" money.
This is an excellent idea Justin! The one thing that I would add to your disclaimer is paying off debt (which is not what the govt wants us to do with it).
with the recent developments I certainly won't be going to McDonalds.
I will be paying some debt down.
Will probably get something for my camera.
And the wife will certainly get something too.
And don't forget -- if this 'rebate' is like the last one it will be called 'income' come next tax return season.
Do I get a HT for this?
Lisa, you certainly deserve the props for this idea. You are one of the only people I know who would think of buying books with rebate money.
Great Suggestion. Problem is that I'll need to spend some on another bookshelf first.
I really enjoy your site.
Hey Justin, on my end, this also opens up a possible visit to VN! :) It's presently in the works...good things happening of late...very good things. Thanks for your continued prayers for the people of VN! Peace,Pres
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