Monday, January 26, 2009

Celebrating 1,000 posts

Blogger tells me that I am nearing 1,000 total posts here at the CROSS-eyed blog. This milestone is a cause for both celebration and evaluation.

I cannot tell you how much I have been helped by blogging these past 4 years. Blogging has helped me to process my thoughts. It has forced me to write (something that doesn't come naturally to me). It has given me an opportunity to meet new friends. It has opened doors for ministry. It was used of God to get me to NC! It allows me to serve others by recommending good books. And most importantly, it has helped me preach the gospel to myself.

So, help me out by answering these 2 questions:
1. Why do you read this blog? What is most helpful to you?
2. Please think of 5 particular posts that have been meaningful/helpful to your walk with Christ. What has been the best of the best?

In order to encourage participation (and as a way to thank you), I will give away a few books. If you will comment or e-mail me with your answers to these 2 questions by Tuesday, Feb. 3, I will put your name in a drawing. I'll give away a copy of Worldliness by CJ Mahaney and a copy of Chosen for Life by Sam Storms to two participants (since only 4 people read this blog, your chances are pretty good). If I draw your name and you already have these books, I will figure out another book to send you that you don't have.

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you have been pointed to the Savior.


  1. Wow, almost 1,000 posts. That's a lot of blogging. But please don't stop.

    Your blog has been a source of encouragement since I began reading it in 2007. All the posts are encouraging. You have been blessed with the gift of writing and sharing the Gospel.

    I pray God continues to use you as you glorify Him in your life.

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    1. I appreciate all your extra/additional sermon notes. They are great reminders and helpful reinforcements. I also enjoy all the book sale notes, book quotes, and constant redirections to the gospel.
    2. Some of my favorite posts have been 5/25/06, 9/17/06, 12/10/07, 9/21/08, and anything on Piper!

    Lisa B.

  3. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I started reading this blog when we started visiting Christ Baptist. I have found it helpful to get into the thoughts of the pastor of a church we are attending. I have most enjoyed all the posts about sermons, books you have found helpful, and encouragement to memorize scripture.


  4. Wow! One Thousand post! Please keep on going and going!

    I am so thankful for your wonderful posts which does help me to think about (redirect) my life for Christ! I have learn a lot from you as a wonderful pastor and wonderful godly blogger for Christ.

    I also love it when you point your post to Christ and post your sermon and books that you encourage us to read. I also add this post to my facebook that I wanted to share with other to read.

    Also I told others about you that I haven't met in person but met online that does share his faith in Christ. (Not long ago he did add a comment on your post and I recongize his name (Douglas "spelling") because he and I go to Got blog.) I was talking about the sermon that I learned from you and sharing them with others and your post about the sermon too.

    Also I love it when you share your love you have for Christ. I also love it when you are being honest too.

    Keep on writing for Him. I do thank the Lord for you and for Christ Baptist Church too!

    I do read other blogs such as Desirng God, Justin Nale, Randy Alston, CJ, Albert Mohler, Abraham Piper, Joshua Harris, Jonathan Brooks, Jeanna (your lovely wife), Lori Brooks, The Blazing Center, other within the church family too, and many more. (If Lisa does have one, I would be reading her blog too.)

    Hungry to eat His Word!
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion

  5. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I just read hoping there will be book giveaways.

  6. (Jason is a book junkie... he is still jealous that I won a book over at Justin Nale's blog.)

    I, however, read your blog because of your pastoral insights about preaching and about Christian life in general. I also very much appreciate your excellent book suggestions - too many for me pick out my top 5 favorites.

  7. I read your blog because you sometimes write well about a Christ-centered approach to discipleship. The post I have most enjoyed on your site is this one:

    Glory to God for your 1000 posts. May blogging continue to be a blessing for you and your readers.

  8. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I have been reading your blog for several months and appreciate your Cross-centered approach. Not enough Christian blogs do this and yours stands near the top, always reminding us of that. I also enjoy all the resources you point your readers to that may help us in our own walk.

    My favorite recent post is from 12/28/08 on Psalm 119. It was a great reminder for us to stay close to God's Word at all times.

    God bless !

  9. I like the pun in the title of your blog.

    I also like the posts on the grace of God you did a while back & the excerpts from Spurgeon and Jonathan Edwards.

  10. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Justin -

    Thank you for your blog. I subscribe almost entirely to "information" blogs. Don't get me wrong, I really love Between Two Worlds and other such blogs. But I subscribe to Cross-eyed because I count you as one who ministers to my soul. Thank you!

    (Email -

  11. I have found the blog helpful in that it has helped me keep focused on the things i need to keep focused on.

  12. Justin,

    Congratulations on the milestone, and thanks for the opportunity to win a great book.

    I have been reading your blog for the last few years, after I saw you commenting on Rob's blog (when he used to post...). I read a number of blogs and am constantly deleting them from my reader as I try to keep only those that are most helpful on it; yours continues to be that, as you seek to, in your words, point people to the Savior.

    Regarding favorite posts, wow, my memory ain't that great. After looking through my google reader at your posts that I have "starred" over the last year, I would have to say your posts on 3/31/08, 7/16/08, 7/17/08, 1/8/09, 1/31/09 are among my favorites.

    Thanks for blogging in a way that promotes the gospel and glorifies our Savior!
