Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Meet Wayne Grudem

Have you ever wondered what Wayne Grudem does in his time with God in the mornings? Well, CJ Mahaney asks him to describe his devotion times along with other helpful questions.

And, this is just part 1 of 4!


  1. Have you seen the following blogs about C.J. Mahaney and the group he leads:



  2. Steve,

    Jesus promised that when we connect ourself to Him and His purposes, the world will hate us.

    Frankly, if such opposition didn't exist, it would then be a cause for concern.

    Do I agree with everything CJ believes? No.
    Do I thank God for the Cross-centered, Christ-exalting, Church-loving, Spirit-empowered, Mission-minded ministry of CJ Mahaney? Absolutely.

  3. Justin

    You might want to read these blogs. They detail a number of problems going on within SGM. If even a small portion of what is being written on these blogs is true, it is unacceptable.

  4. Steve,
    With all due respect, you have at least two blogs devoted to tearing down Sovereign Grace and it does not appear that you have any firsthand knowledge of any of the churches or their activities. All of your posts are based on secondhand stories from "survivors." This is hardly convincing. I suspect that people have been hurt in SG churches just like any other church. Such is the norm when fallen humanity come together.

    I have been wounded and even suffered spiritual abuse in a mainstream denomination as well as a nondenominational church and I've been guilty of reacting much the same way as these "survivors." But no amount of bashing corrects the sin on either side. What is your purpose in these blogs? If SG is guilty of heresy or heterdoxy, then make the case by Sola scriptura.
    Otherwise, it appears that you are only engaging in spreading gossip and not edifying the church at large.
