I usually order all my books from Amazon.com. They seem to always have the best prices and free shipping. I have a pretty extensive wish list going and whenever I am ready to order some books, I scan the wish list to see which books would be good to read now. I recieved my latest order today. Here is the interesting conglomeration of books I ordered this time:
What Jesus Demands From The World by Piper: Piper's newest book that I just had to have. People are saying this may be the best Piper book of them all. I doubt that, but I can't wait to be challenged to submit myself under Jesus' authority.
Getting Things Done by Allen: A secular book on how to better manage time and workload. I never read secular books. There are just too many good books about God out there to waste time with "stuff." However, my best friend mentioned to me that his pastor is taking him through this book. As I heard him speak about the value of this book, I just knew I had to get it. I realize that I have a lot to learn and want to use my time and energy in a way that pleases God and reflects my heart for His Church. I'm willing to wade through some secular thinking in order to learn a few principles that God may use for His glory. Besides, it will do me good to read something that will help me understand the world's perspective.
Life Together by Bonhoeffer: A classic defense of Christian love and unity in the context of the church. Shame on me that I haven't read this book yet.
Needy minds think alike. The Piper book is excellent, as was the conference. GTD is on my "next" list, and I recently read life together. Grateful to our King that He has provided a couple of wise, fruitful believers, and just a good manual to help us on this journey toward the joy set before us. I pray God uses these to makeyou know Him better, love Him more, and live well for His glory and your joy!
Yes, shame on you :-)
Life Together is a great little book. I'm sure that you will be challenged, and encouraged. Definitly shorter than Piper's new book too. Enjoy!
All books are great! GTD has helped me really think through practically how to work effectively and efficiently and be a better steward of my time, and thus bring more glory to God! You can find tons of great posts on it online...I heard of it from my buddies at Bethlehem Baptist Church and recently even Wayne Grudem mentioned it! I have a post on it along with one of Edward's resolutions.
I would love to hear your thoughts on it as you read and apply. And the other books as well. For the sake of His name!!!!
Maybe you should post your wish list because I would have gladly given you my copy of Getting Things Done. Amazon might not have liked it, but since I bought it from them in the first place maybe they wouldn't have minded too much...
Here's to you becoming a black belt in time management..you'll get it later when you begin to plan you week with Mioko.
I read Life Together this summer while I was India. While, I didn't agree with everything Bonhoeffer says, the majority of it was applicable and enjoyable. I'm so proud of myself that I actually read a book! I really wish I enjoyed reading more. Baby steps. :)
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