Buy this book! Now.
I recommend a lot of books on this blog. This is not a recommendation. This is a plea.
A Taste from The Introduction:
"This book, then, is about Christ's glorious work of atonement culminating at the cross. There are no stories inserted to illustrate points. There are no anecdotes added to entertain the reader. None of this is needed, because a rightly understood view of the cross as the treasure of all time can never be boring, trivial, or lacking excitement. Our goal is to assist the reader in exulting in the unfathomable riches of Christ's atonement as contained in God's Word" (p. 26).
i'm currently reading 'trusting God' by j. bridges and your posts to get the two new bridges books are really distracting me! haha. hope you're well, bro...call ya soon. - pres
I've just read through Bridge's book The Great Exchange. It is powerful. Piper did a book on this subject (FYI) regarding doing away witht he righteousness of Christ. That too was powerful. The three scriptures that jump put are Rom 1:16 1 Cor 1:18 and 2 Cor 5:21. Many more but those are the key verses. I wonder how many "christians" know the gosple. Can you be saved without knowing the gosple. (no) if you can't repeat the gosple, do you know it? What must one know to be saved?
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