1. An Old Testament Theology by Waltke
2. The Apostles' Doctrine of the Atonment by Smeaton - This book was the inspiration for Jerry Bridges new book (The Great Exchange). I'm looking forward to diving into this one!
3. Communion With the Triune God by John Owen (edited by Kapic and Taylor)
4. From Famine to Fullness by Ulrich
5. Be Careful How You Listen by Jay Adams
6. Pierced for Our Transgressions - This is a much anticipated book on the glory of penal substitution. John Piper wrote the forward.
7. Running Scared by Ed Welch
8. A Quest for More by Paul Tripp
Justin, Thanks for the booklist. I love book recommendations from like-minded Christians! I look forward to adding to my library. Thanks, Mike Patterson
The Smeaton volume is great. Morris' book, The Cross in the New Testament (I think it is out of print) is the best one. Hodge's book, The Atonement is excellent as well.
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