Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Good Advice on Meditating

Here is some great advcie from Donald Whitney:

"Spend 25 to 50 percent of your Bible intake time meditating on some verse, phrase, or word from your reading. Ask questions of it. Pray about it. Take your pen and scribble and doodle on a pad about it. Look for at least one way you could apply it or live it. Linger over it. Soak your soul slowly in the water of the Word, and you'll find it not only refreshes you, but prompts a satisfying thirst for more."


BoldLion said...

Thank you for sharing a great advice.

Hungry to eat His Word before I go to work for the day!
'Guerite ~ BoldLion

Dan Rolfe said...

I sat in a Don Whitney seminar during WorshipGod 08. It was the first time I had ever heard him speak. This man's love for the Scriptures is both obvious and encouraging!

Thanks for sharing another example of this Justin!