Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics

I have enjoyed reading Gospel and Kingdom by Goldsworthy. It is basically a book about how to interpret the Bible with Jesus Christ at the center. Here is a good summary paragraph:

"Hermeneutics aims at showing the significance of the text in light of the gospel. To interpret an Old Testament text we establish its relationship to the revelation of God in Jesus Christ. In order to do this we draw upon our knowledge of the structure of revelation that biblical theology has opened out for us."

I'll look forward to getting and reading Goldsworthy's Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm currently working my way thru Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics (blogging thru the major parts) and really enjoying it. I'm in part 3 where he begins to build an evangelical hermeneutic. Part 1 is about presuppositions and the Bible's use of a gospel-centered hermeneutic, and part 2 is about the eclipse of the gospel in various methods of interpretation thru time. Good stuff! Too bad it wasn't available while I was in seminary! I'm sure you'll appreciate it.