Sunday, January 18, 2009

The World Will Hate You: John 15:18-16:4

It has been estimated that there were about 175,000 Christians killed for being a Christian in the last year. 175,000 martyrs.
The statistics show that this number will continue to increase over the next few years and the number will be about 210,000 in 2025.
There were 45 ½ million Christians killed in the 20th century (this is most likely more than all other centuries combined).

And these numbers don’t even include countless millions who have been tortured, mangled, raped, and imprisoned because of their commitment to Christ.

Jesus said, "If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you."

I drew out 2 points from this text in my message on Sunday:
-Christians Should Expect the World to Hate Us.
-Christians Can Endure the Hatred of the World.

Question: Can you mention any experience which you have had as a Christian that made you aware of your union with a suffering, crucified Lord?

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