Friday, August 14, 2009

Broken-Down House

I really enjoyed reading Broken-Down House by Paul Tripp. The metaphor of the broken-down house is a helpful one. Tripp compares this fallen world to a house that is under renovation. We have to learn to live productively in a world gone bad. Tripp helps us live with the balance of seeing ourselves as sinners and yet children of grace.

I love to read books by the Tripp brothers because they always have a way of exposing what is in my heart. They have a way of putting their finger on the things that I struggle with.

For example, I was very convicted by Tripp's discussion on learning to wait on God. He says, "Waiting will always reveal where you have placed your hope. Your heart is always exposed by the way that you wait." He also says, "Waiting is one of God's most powerful tools of grace. God doesn't just give us grace for the wait. The wait itself is a gift of grace. You see, waiting is not only about what you will receive at the end of the wait. Waiting is about what you will become as you wait."

And, the "poems" at the beginning of each chapter are worth the price of the book.

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