Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Behold: Nothing Too Hard for God

In my morning Bible reading, here is how God spoke to me from Jeremiah 32:27:

"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?"

This epic declaration was a response to Jeremiah's prayer for understanding. God goes on to declare that He will both punish His sinful people and then show them favor and blessing. He will bring disaster upon them and He will bring good upon them. Nothing (calamity or blessing) is too hard for the Lord. He is the God of all flesh.

Can you think of anything too hard for the God of all creation? What problems do you face today that seem entirely insurmountable? Where have you "given up" or "resigned" to the fact that your circumstances will not or cannot change?

This world is not just a machine that is running on autopilot. Things are not just controlled by the laws of nature. The sovereign and powerful God of the Bible is in control. And nothing is too hard for Him. So, for what area of your life do you need to be filled with the awesome hope that nothing is outside the realm of possibility with God?

Because of Jesus, the only thing God will not do is turn His back on His sons and daughters (Rom. 8:1).

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