Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Rob Tombrella said...


Are you like 32?
Hey Justin--i have your gift. Indeed, I've had it. However, it is not in the mail yet. Forgive!

pastor justin said...

Rob, no gift needed. Your friendship, encouragement, and accountablility are plenty.

If I'm 32, then you are like 39.

Rob Tombrella said...

Justin, I encourage you to go to

It's a total hoax. Howevever, I found it incredibly helpful. Like taking a dip in a cold bath of reality. This is good for birthdays. "what is your life?"

Thanks for your vapor-maximizing example.

pastor justin said...

Rob, I went to and was informed that I will die on Feb. 27, 2076.
This is helpful information and now I can go ahead and plan out the next 69+ years.

...Here today and gone tomorrow.

The Taras' said...

Happy Birthday! I was wondering what was up with the cake.....are there enough candles on it?????? Hope that you have a great bday today!

Anonymous said...

happy day!

Rob Tombrella said...

Bummer. I was informed I will die in 2050! Maybe God is telling me to be more faithful in prayer like Justin. Maybe like Hezekiah--I will need to pray for 15 more years.

pastor justin said...

Rob, maybe you should lay off the cigars and twinkies.
Ha Ha.

Rob Tombrella said...

cigars and twinkies weren't listed as a criteria! If they were--then I could understand. You raise an interesting point though. Of all the books written about Spurgeon--one title you never see is "The Spurgeon Diet" or "Body By Spurgeon" or "What Would Spurgeon Eat?" I think we would all agree----twinkies and cigars.

Reminds me of that guy who spoke to a mocking Greek class about diet and excercise. "The baptist flag should have a casserole on it." ha!

Anonymous said...

joyeux anniversaire!