Thursday, February 22, 2007

Give Away Some Books

Desiring God is offering an Easter special. You can get Piper's Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die for $1 each if you buy a case. Our church just got 2 cases to give out before Easter. Here are some of my ideas:

Ideas for effective use of Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die:


  • Give one to the neighbors closest to your house with a personal note from you.
  • Make an “Easter Basket” for your neighbors and include the book (chocolate, etc.).
  • Give one to co-workers with a personal note from you.
  • Give one to the waiter/waitress at a restaurant (along with a generous tip!).
  • Give one to a doctor/dentist/vet at the next appointment.
  • Get in your car and drive toward town. Determine to give 10 away to the first 10 people you see (gas station, parking lots, walking the dog, loading groceries in the car, etc.).
  • Pray that whoever you give a book to would actually read it and embrace Christ!


  • Do any of the easy options above and also include an invitation to discuss the book with you.
  • Start a small group in your neighborhood or office and study the book. Go through 2 chapters each week (DG has leader’s guides available).

Your Ideas?

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