1. Sunday mornings. I absolutely love to gather with God’s people to sing His praises and hear His Word on Sunday mornings. To my shame, I have been a part of churches that I did not look forward to attending. It felt like torture to get up, get dressed, and sit through what felt like a weak pep-rally. I feel sorry for Christians who do not absolutely love to go to church. Now, I cannot stand to miss a single Sunday. When I’m forced to miss for some special reason, I am grieved. Each and every Sunday is a powerful reminder of God’s greatness and power to save those who trust Him. Sunday mornings, gathered with God’s people around God’s Word, is the closest place on earth to what we will experience for all eternity in Heaven.
2. The people. Thank God that the church is a people not a place. The church is not a building or a location. The church is made up of the people purchased by the blood of Christ. The people of Christ Baptist Church are among the most humble, genuine, loving, and servant-hearted people I have ever met.
3. Simplicity. I love the fact that we don’t have 47 programs running every week. I love the simplicity of our services without all the production (no bells and smells)! I love that we have identified those things that are central to the worship of God: Read the Word, Pray the Word, Sing the Word, and Preach the Word.
4. Accountability. I love the way we have structured our membership process and care groups so as to maximize our accountability to each other. I am grateful that others notice when members are not there. I am glad that when I fail to live up to God’s standards, my brothers and sisters are ready to point me to Christ.
5. Children (and their parents). I love that we have like 500 children running around after each service (OK, maybe not 500. But it sure feels like it sometimes). Each and every child entrusted to us is an opportunity for us to ensure that the next generation holds fast to the gospel.
6. The purpose. I want to live my life for what matters. I don’t want to waste my life. I love that Christ Baptist Church is committed to displaying the glory of God in everything. I am thankful that the time, resources, and energy invested in Christ Baptist Church are being used for the greatest of all purposes in the world. I can’t wait to see how God uses this church in the future!
7. The school. New Hope Elementary is a great place to gather as a church. While it certainly has its limitations, the school is a constant reminder of our dependence on God. Each Sunday we are reminded that land and buildings do not make a church. The church is not a location. It is a people! I am thankful that we are forced to consider that worship is a matter of the location of the heart, not the location of the body.
8. Bible Study teachers. We have the greatest group of Bible Study teachers we could ask for. Our adult teachers faithfully exposit the truth of Scripture every week. Our children’s teachers selflessly love and teach our little ones the great truths of Scripture. I love to overhear our children being taught about justification, redemption, and sin.
9. New visitors. Almost every Sunday God sends us first-time visitors.
10. The other elders. Tim and Jonathan are gold. We are so blessed to have such godly, wise, humble, and faithful men to lead us. They balance my many weaknesses and tirelessly serve us for the glory of Christ.
I Love This Church!
Pastor Justin
1 comment:
This was very encouraging to read Justin! God is blessing your faithfullness to preach Jesus!
May He continue to grow Christ Baptist, not in number, in depth!
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