Friday, July 11, 2008

I Disagree With My Heroes

I have found the one thing I disagree with Mark Dever on.

I disagree with Piper on the whole baptism and church membership issue.

I disagree with CJ Mahaney on the use of the word "apostle" today.

Notice: all of these things are "minor" issues that are not clearly addressed in Scripture.


Anonymous said...

Hey Justin,

I agree with you on all acounts, a little less on CJ's "apostle" I am unconfortable with it but haven't made up my mind.
I would add one issue
I disagree with dever on this issue but yet I understand his point.

pastor justin said...

I do agree with Dever on the issue of the church gathering together as one assembly.
Again, an issue not clearly taught in Scripture for which we should allow for differing opinions.

Palmernate said...

agreed. I think churches where possible should meet as one, but calling it a death step, especially #1, was excessive my book, but again I sympathize with his overall sentiment.

Anonymous said...

I too am a little uncomfortable with the Mahaney thing but I do agree with Piper on baptism/church membership and with Dever on small groups. But like Justin pointed out these are things not clearly adressed in scripture so we must allow for disagreement and submit to guidance from the Holy Spirit.