1. Maximize your singleness for God - Don't waste these precious years.
2. Do not pursue a serious relationship until you are ready to marry.
3. Be reasonable - Don't set your expectations too high or too low.
4. Do not be legalistic about dating - While our culture's practice of "dating" is unacceptable for Christians, it is not a sin for two Christians to enjoy time together.
5. Do not have any romantic relationship with someone who is a non-Christian.
6. You should be in a romantic relationship with only one person at a time.
7. He should initiate and she should respond - The man should lead.
8. You need to look at who God puts in front of you.
9. Feel free to use technology wisely - Social networking is simply a new way for God's providence to bring people together.
10. Invest in a romantic relationship only with someone you are entirely attracted to.
11. Only date someone who agrees with you on primary theological issues.
12. Guard your heart.
13. Be careful of legalism and libertinism.
14. Marry someone who will be a fit for every season of the life that awaits you together.
15. Pursue only someone you love.
16. Do not have any sexual contact until marriage.
Then, Driscoll gives seven dating questions for men and women:
For Men:
1. Are you overlooking good women?
2. Do you enjoy her?
3. Is she modest?
4. Will she follow your leadership?
5. Does she have noble character?
6. Can you provide for the lifestyle she expects?
7. As you stand back and objectively consider her, is she like any of the women that Proverbs warns against?
For Women:
1. Do you want to help him and join his course of life?
2. Is he tough enough to remain strong in tough times?
3. Will he take responsibility for you and your children?
4. Is he considerate and gentle with you?
5. Will he be a good father?
6. Is he a one-woman man?
7. How valuable are you to him?
Of course, Driscoll explains each of these principles and questions in the book.
This is interesting!
#3 about Be Reasonable! I seems to set them way too high for good reason. (Maybe I need to have a talk about that part.)
#9 I would be very caution about it and not be involve too much of that. Some of the site that you will have to pay and most seems to be "Christian site" when they aren't.
#11 "Primary" MMMM! I am wondering about that part. Does this mean basic or general area? I more likely to date with someone very strongly agree with me in theologial issues than to date those who is so-so in thelogial issues.
#12,16 Amen to that.
Still single for Christ until someone special to come to my life.
Hungry to eat His Word,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion
i think #7 is a little weird. surely guys initiating dates is taking male leadership in marriage a little too far, don't you think?
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