Let me begin with some background about these brothers:
Rob Tombrella (far right) is my best friend in the whole world outside of my wife. We have been doing life together since college. He is a former Baptist pastor who has 'converted' to the Sovereign Grace world (I could not be happier for him).
Clif Cummings (next to Rob) was my pastor here in Beaumont for a few short months and one of the main reasons I accepted this position in Beaumont. He now pastors First Baptist Duncan, OK.
Mark Gibson (between Clif and I) is the pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian Church here in Beaumont. He and I meet every few weeks to encourage each other and talk theology. Clif is reponsible for introducing us.
Think about this group for a second: 2 Southern Baptists (Clif and I), 1 PCA guy (Mark), and a Sovereign Gracian (Rob).
Think about the conference organizers: 2 Southern Baptist (Al and Mark), 1 PCA guy (Lig), and a Sovereign Gracian (CJ).
We had a lot of fun with this.
Anyway, back to the conference: We talked about everything under the sun. I tried to be the best Mark Dever I could by moving the converstations and asking the tough questions. We talked about the whole range of our disagreements regarding theology and polity. And then we reminded each other that we were together on this one thing: The Gospel. And we prayed. We prayed till about 2 in the morning on Thursday night/Friday morning. We ate together, saved each other seats, enjoyed John MacArthur's fruit tray, and we cried together in brokenness over our sin. I could not have imagined being at this conference by myself. I am the beneficiary of Grace. God has been good to me!
Rob, Clif, and Mark: Thank you. I am blessed to call you friends.
An absolute blast.
Justin--you are the main reason I was blessed to be at this conference. If it wasn't for your pushing and helping--I wouldn't have gone. Thank you so much. I know this conference to be timely for you. I believe God will be enhance what we prayed for in the coming days (Matt. 21:22).
Clif--It was an absolute blast getting to know you and see up close your pastor's heart. Your people are blessed to have you. I look forward to gleaning from your adoption experiences in the coming years.---by the way, i think i owe you a lunch. So, now we need to put something on the calendar.
Mark--First Lig rapping, then you liking Switchfoot. You shattered my (sad) stereotype without my knowing I had one. You are not only the only PCA pastor I know, but the only one I know that can move from covenant theology to Jar Jar Binks with a humble opinion of both. I look forward to positioning you as my personal on-call church historian in the coming years. Thanks for your generosity as well my friend.
What can I say? The conference absolutely would not have been the same for me without the three of you along for the journey.
My hearts desire for us as a "band of theolog brothers" is from Philippians 1:3-6 "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I AM SURE OF THIS, that he who began a good work in you (in us) will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." (ESV of course!).
Rob - Friscoe is less than two hours from Duncan, I hope to redeem that lunch offer soon!
Justin - even in your youth, you challenge and encourage me. God has great days ahead for you and Jeanna!
Mark - my best Reformed Presbyterian friend! I cherish our friendship and theolog dialogues.
Sola Gratia,
Mark, I had no idea you were behind that Jonathan Edwards blog. I have been to that blog before and thought: "now this is a blog. Who cares about my contemporary thoughts? We need to hear what our brothers from previous centuries have said."
Mark---spoken like a true charismatic.
I agree with Justin---you're the Edwards dude!!!yes!
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