Sunday, December 23, 2007

Incarnation and Redemption: A Meditation on 1 Tim. 1:15

1 Timothy 1:15: "This is a trustworthy statement deserving full acceptance: that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."

Most people in America celebrate Christmas. However, very few people actually understand who and what Christmas really commemorates. Even Christians (including myself) are easily distracted this time of year from the main thing.

Christ Jesus

The second person of the Trinity. The promised Messiah. The annointed Savior.


In becoming man, Jesus did not forsake His divine nature. He took on a human nature in addition to His divine nature. He was fully God and fully man united in one person. The Word became flesh...

Into the world

He did not just move from a mansion to the ghetto. He bridged the greatest gap imaginable: heaven to earth. The Creator assumed the nature of His creatures. The Eternal One submitted Himself to the limits of time. The all-powerful One made Himself weak. The Holy One exposed Himself to temptation. The perfect One in the womb of an imperfect woman.

To Save Sinners

Too many Christmas celebrations, songs, and gatherings focus simply on the baby in the manger. Jesus did not stay in the manger. The incarnation is nothing without the sinless life, substitutionary death, and powerful resurrrection of Jesus. He was born to die for our sins. He did not come simply to make us saveable. He came to actually save sinners.

Notice verse 17: Paul breaks out into doxology in response to these truths. Christ came into this world to save us from the wrath of God because of our sin, in order to free us to marvel at and enjoy the beauty of God for all eternity. The only proper response to the historical and theological truths of Christmas is to humbly, joyfully, and verbally give all glory, honor, and praise to God alone!

1 comment:

BoldLion said...

Thank you for preaching the sermon! I am looking forward to hear another sermon and reading your blog online.

Thank you for being who you are in Christ. I am so thankful for you all and member at CBCW too.

Merry Christmas!