Friday, June 20, 2008

The Kiss and The Blood

After years of struggling, doubting, and searching, the darkness lifted for John Bunyan. Here is how he states it:

"I remember that one day, as I was travelling into the country and musing on the wickedness and blasphemy of my heart, and considering of the enmity that was in me to God, that scripture came into my mind, He hath, 'made peace through the blood of his cross.' Col. 1:20. By which I was made to see, both again, and again, and again, that day, that God and my soul were friends by this blood; yea, I saw that the justice of God and my sinful soul could embrace and kiss each other through this blood. This was a good day to me; I hope I shall not forget it."

Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, pages 19-20 of volume 1 of Bunyan's Works.

Notice 2 things:
-Bunyan was pondering the weight of his wickedness (when is the last time you did that?).
-Bunyan had previously meditated on this verse (otherwise how would it have come into his mind?).

1 comment:

Dan Rolfe said...

I've enjoyed your last few posts on Bunyan. My stratedy is simple: to learn from you as you learn from Bunyan.

I can't handle Bunyan directly right now because I'm wrestling with an Edwards book (Charity & Its Fruit) and I'm on the ropes!!

Very good stuff Justin.