Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Cross of Christ

We are reading through Stott's The Cross of Christ on Tuesday mornings. I found chapter 1 to be very engaging. Here are some nuggets from chapter 1:

"From Jesus' youth, indeed even from his birth, the cross cast its shadow ahead of him. His death was central to his mission."

"the principal contributors to the New Testament believed in the centrality of the cross of Christ and believed that their conviction was derived from the mind of the Master himself."

Quoting P.T. Forsyth: "You do not understand Christ till you understand his cross."

1 comment:

BoldLion said...

Thank you for leading this Tuesday Morning Theology Breakfast. I am looking more to learn a lot out of this book and His Word too!

Hungry to eat His Word! (I need to eat more!)
'Guerite ~ BoldLion