Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Do You REALLY, REALLY Love Jesus?

Friends, some things deserved to be mocked. Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal. Paul mocked the Judaizers in Galatia.

Have you ever received one of those e-mails that give you instructions as to how to show Jesus you love Him and are not ashamed of Him. Just in case you live in a cave and have never seen such an e-mail, below is a sample from an actual e-mail I received this morning. After a picture of clouds that look like a hand and a weird picture of Jesus and some mountains, it says:

Jesus Test
This is an easy test, you score 100 or zero.
It's your choice. If you aren't ashamed to do this, please follow the directions.
Jesus said, 'if you are ashamed of me, I will be a shamed of you before my Father.' !
Not ashamed Pass this on ... only if you mean it.
Yes, I do Love God.
He is my source of existence and Savior.
He keeps me functioning each and everyday.
Without Him, I will be nothing. Without Him, I am nothing but with Him I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. Phil 4:13
This is the simplest test. If you Love God, and are not ashamed of all the marvelous things he has done for you. Send this to ten people and the person who sent it to you!

Question: Since when does love for Jesus manifest itself in hitting the forward button? I thought Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments" (John 14:15).

Praise God that Jesus scored 100 in my place!

Now, if you REALLY, REALLY love Jesus, you will forward a link to this blog post to 483 friends, family members, coworkers, and neighbors. And, if you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to earn favor with God, you should wait around for the next e-mail telling you how to REALLY show your love for God.


BoldLion said...

I had seen this in the email before. (I don't do chain email.)I am not ashamed of Him.

The question for me to answer is that no one is 100% in love with Jesus.

I do fail when I haven't honor Him always like I should honor Him 100% of the time. I know that I am a child of God, but I don't always act like one, and I ought to.

I need to continue to fall in love with Jesus and hold fast to Him in every way!

I am so thankful for the cross. Without the cross, I am nothing.
This is far better than I deserve to get.

Hungry to eat His Word, (I need to eat more)
'Guerite ~ BoldLion

Ronnica said...

I'm not ashamed of my Lord, but I AM ashamed to forward an email that clearly intends to play on my insecurities in order to gain popularity for itself!

Anonymous said...

I get so irritated with chain emails. They always play on guilt to control you will do.