Friday, November 07, 2008

"Spontaneous" Baptisms

Evidently, there is a church in NC that baptized 1,044 people in two weeks. These people didn't come to church expecting to be baptized. They were given clothes to change into.

Here is a quote from the article celebrating this practice: "Brey said those who wanted to be baptized at the end of each of the six services were taken to changing rooms, one for men and one for women. There they were asked their size and then given paper bags with shorts, T-shirts and flip-flops.Those being baptized then changed clothes and went outside, where they walked up a set of steps then down steps into a tank of water, where they were baptized."

Just like that. No instruction. No questions asked. No waiting. No observing.

What troubles me most is something the preacher said in his sermon: "Furtick said those who had not had the “opportunity or the courage” to be “biblically baptized” would have the chance that day."

So, we are going to give you both opportunity and courage this morning? No need for courage when 1,000 other people are doing it.

I'm not a fan of "spontaneous" baptism and I won't be checking out their "spontaneous baptism kit."

What do you think?


TheBeastMan said...

I'm with you Justin. When I saw the number they'd baptized in the BR, I was pretty amazed. Then I read the article and realized probably many were just getting wet. Hope not. Just seemed like it.

Chase and Laura Bowers said...

Time will testify. Wisdom is vindicated by her children.

BoldLion said...

I 100% agree with you, Justin.

I don't like that kind of idea that they are "baptizing" that many people without faith in Christ and no question about their faith. OUCH!

That is fault preaching to me.

In Christ Alone and Faith Alone,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion